UCW Purpose
To unite women of the congregation for the total mission of the church
and to provide a means through which we may express our loyalty and
devotion to Jesus Christ in Christian witness, study, fellowship, and service.
The UCW is tentatively resuming some activities. Our meetings will be on the first Tuesday of each month at 1pm. We are down in membership and are looking for new members and volunteers. We have always had great assistance from the congregation in our endeavors and hope this will continue.
Anyone interested in joining us please speak to one of our members/come to a meeting. All are welcome.
1-We have a new executive and hope we have your trust and support in our work of faith. Our new President is Sandra Comba, Secretary is Lorraine Belanger, and Treasurer is Leslee Gervais. We thank Barb Symington, Sharon Hanniman, and Lois Desjardins for their faithful service in the past many years.
2-At this time, we are looking for someone who would be willing to set up a roster of those that would be responsible for a small refreshment following afternoon (new suggested time) funerals. Someone who would gather the names of those willing to help in these times and organize them into teams of 4 or so to provide this service for a month or so at a time. It has been decided that these gatherings would be approximately 25-50 people and the menu would be simple: fruits, breads, cheese, crackers, tea, coffee, juice. If you are at all interested, please contact Sandra Comba, or leave your name with any one of our members and someone will contact you.
3-We are hoping coffee time will resume after church in Stewart Hall beginning with Easter Sunday. A roster will be in the narthex for those interested in helping with tea/coffee/juice for those who wish to have a social time following Sunday service. Baking/cookies are not required.
Experience is not required, we will team up with anyone who would like some guidance.
Thank you for your past and future acts of service.
Leslee Gervais on behalf of TSA UCW.