
“Called by God to live in loving, just, and respectful relationship with each other,
our neighbours, and the earth.”

Trinity-St. Andrew’s is an Affirming Ministry of the United
Church of Canada.

Coming Events at TSA:

Watch for our coming fall events!


TSA Newsletter

Realm Communication – June 22, 2024

TSA Council met on Tuesday June 18, our regular monthly meeting for June. Some updates since then have been included….

  • Thanks to our Volunteers!! On Sunday June 23 we celebrated our many volunteers with special cupcakes after Church. To volunteer… is to offer to do something without being forced to do it and without being paid for it…. although as our volunteers know, pay comes in many forms – fellowship, community service, international outreach, that thankful smile… and more. TSA is blessed with many, many dedicated, talented and resourceful volunteers!! We continue to flourish as a Community of Faith because of you, our volunteers…. Committee Members on Council, Finance & Stewardship, Membership Pastoral Care & Fellowship, Ministry & Personnel, Nominating, Property, Worship & Music, our Trustees, United Church Women, Choir, Library, Mat Group, Camp Lau Ren support, Canadian Food Bank support, Community lunches, Ukulele group, audio-video and of course the Thrift Shop and all others that donate time to TSA!!  Thanks to the ladies of St. James Lutheran for serving our tea and coffee so our volunteers could enjoy.

  • Finances Spring 2024 financial update

 Operating: The financial update for the end of May 2024 compared to 2023:
2024 Income $98,230; Expenses $141,734; Net -$43,504
2023 Income $89,462; Expenses $130,326; Net -$40,864

Note 2024 includes $6,600 payment to UCC (half the annual assessment set by General Council) while in 2023 payment had not yet been made. 

2024 Thrift Shop was up $6500 over 2023.


  • Spring plant sale brought in ~$4100, and the proceeds were donated to camp Lau Ren. This is the largest fundraiser donation to Camp Lau Ren compared to any church in the region. Well done!!
  • Special collection on camping Sunday brought in $1816 for camp Lau Ren.
  • Rainbow Service Grant $5000 received from EOORC Vision and Transformation Fund
  • Community Luncheon…. the free will donations are covering costs and providing lunch to about 55 people per month.

PAR, Pre-Authorized Remittance, is a good way to keep up with your donations when you are not attending in person. Contact Debbie in the church office for Information.

  • Property – Air Conditioning installation in the Thrift Shop sorting room is in progress. The inventory of Church property is complete for insurance purposes. A local person has been hired to wash the church windows.

  • Worship & Music – Summer worship in Stewart Hall will begin June 23rd until September 1st. Choir is now on summer break, as is our Youth Band and Rainbow Service. The final Rainbow Service showing of 1946: The Mistranslation that Shifted Culture was well attended and provided much food for thought and discussion…. and popcorn. There will be a Dementia Choir on August 8. Rev James will be on vacation Monday July 29 to Sunday August 25.

  • Membership, Pastoral Care and Fellowship – Care home services – no summer services in August at Groves Park or Quail Creek. Bonnechere Manor July 28 at 2:30.

  • EOORC (Eastern Ontario Outaouais Region Council) – Spring General Meeting May 31 & June 1 was attended by Brenda McLeod and Rev. James. Topics included a reflection of the historical path of the United Church of Canada as we enter our 100th year. Our own Danah-Lee led the music for Day 2. The Fall Meeting will be held at TSA Renfrew on Saturday October 5, 2024.
  • Thrift Shop – Business thriving, donations back up. The free clothing rack is proving very successful at reducing the amount of clothing going to the rag trade. Prom dresses provided to RCI are very much appreciated.
  • The Mary Elizabeth Plaunt Scholarship – The first scholarship of $1500 will be presented at the RCI Graduation on June 27 to an RCI student pursuing a university degree for a career in teaching with preference given to primary grades; or to pursue a college diploma for teaching in Early Children Education. The 2024 recipient has been determined and will be shared after graduation.
  • TSA Transforming Journey Team – The Team met June 3. Some suggestions and comments were received from the box provided on the table in the Narthex. Team members have been attending Committee meetings to update members and get input. The Transforming Journey Team will continue to meet monthly during the summer and that all comments, suggestions and questions are welcome.
  • HAGO – Help a Girl Out – TSA was approached by the Renfrew Public Library who was approached by Help A Girl Out (HAGO), a non-profit organization from Brampton that focusses on fighting period poverty and ensuring that Ontarians are educated about puberty, uterine health, and reusable period products. They also ship products to period havers across the province. They are coming to Renfrew to provide a FREE professional development session for organizations that support people with periods. The Library thought that TSA would be a good fit because of our community outreach! We will have several people attend the presentation and see how we can be supportive.
  • Coming Activities – to put on your calendars.

Ukelele night – June 9 performance at the TSA service was well received. Group is off for summer break.

Mat Group – on summer break. Wednesdays at 1:15, Stewart Hall. Next Sept 11.

Crafty Ladies – on summer break. Wednesdays at 1:15, Stewart Hall. Next Sept 11.

Music to Memories – Ottawa Valley Memory Loss and Dementia Choir –First Thursday each month. Next August 8.

Youth Praise Band – on summer break, Mondays at 6:30, meet in Narthex.

Men’s Breakfast – on summer break. 2nd Wednesday each month at 9:00am, Finnigan’s.

Bible Study – on summer break. Wednesdays at 11am. Marian Roffey Room

Community Friendship Luncheon – June 25th Tacos and bean salad!! Then summer break. 4th Tuesday each month from 11:30 to 12:30.

Care Home Services: Groves Park – none in August

Quail Creek – none in August

Bonnechere Manor – 4th Sunday of month. Next July 28.

Our next Council meeting will be in September unless required before then. We will provide Realm updates in July and August. Questions on activities, concerns, thoughts, or suggestions for Council, call the office and leave a message. Office number (613)432-2285.

Judy Ryan on behalf of TSA Council          With thanks, Rev. James Murray

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TSA Rainbow Worship Service:  https://www.facebook.com/youbelongRWS

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Contact Information:  Office: telephone: 613-432-2285, or by email at office@tsarenfrew.ca.  Rev. Murray’s email is james@tsarenfrew.ca.

If you want to know more about our community of faith ple
se feel free to contact us.
